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Dentistry: Home


This guide is intended for the faculty and students of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Woody L. Hunt School of Dental Medicine to have access to the resources that will support education, research, and patient care.

This guide features:

  • library services and what the library has to offer
  • links to the textbooks, test prep books, and other books related to the curriculum of the dental school
  • links to databases and journals specifically used for dentistry
  • helpful dentistry websites, resources and organizations

Please browse through the tabs provided, and if you have any suggestions on how we can better serve you, email me at I will do my best to accommodate the recommendations.

Off- Campus Access to Library Resources

On-Campus Proxy Access
  • If you access a library resource from a campus building, from a campus clinic, or from HSC-Air, you do not need to us the library's proxy server.
  • If you connect to the Internet through HSC-Guest you will have to authenticate through the library's proxy server.
Off-Campus Proxy Access
  • If you are off-campus and you access a licensed resource through a link found on the library homepage, or in Gold Rush. You should automatically be prompted to authenticate to gain access to the resource. Use your eRaider sign-on to log in BEFORE you attempt to access the resource.
  • If you access a licensed resource through a link found in Google, Google Scholar, email links, Twitter, etc. you will first need to manually login to the library's proxy server BEFORE you attempt to access the resource.
  • Without the right set up that allows you to authenticate with your eRaider login, you will be locked out of these resources.
Here is the link for the
The proxy server's authentication screen looks like this: