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Databases - Guidelines
AccessMedicine This link opens in a new window
An ever changing and ever expanding resource for all health care professionals and students. With daily updates, the user can get trusted answers to clinical questions with easy to use digital formatting.
ClinicalKey This link opens in a new window
A search engine for physicians, targeting the three key research requirements, with comprehensive and trustworthy content.
DynaMed This link opens in a new window
A point of care reference tool designed by and for physicians and other health care professionals. Contains nearly 2,000 clinically organized topics.
ECRI Guidelines Trust This link opens in a new window
For nearly 50 years, ECRI Institute, a nonprofit organization, has been dedicated to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research to discover which medical procedures, devices, drugs, and processes are best, all to enable you to improve patient care. We firmly believe that seeking and finding the best ways to improve patient care require "The Discipline of Science" and "The Integrity of Independence."
EMBASE This link opens in a new window
Includes over 19 million records from over 7,000 journals, dating back to 1947, and growing each year. Within these records are the most up to date citations and abstracts from drug and biomedical literature via Medline and
epocrates+ This link opens in a new window
A practical and patient centered approach to point of care, with peer reviewed content aimed at providing answers, not more questions.
Essential Evidence Plus This link opens in a new window
A potent resource containing all medical evidence needed for decisions related to patient care.
*Must create a personal profile account to sign in.
Ovid This link opens in a new window
The home page for all of the Ovid databases, which includes full text books and journals, evidence base medicine resources, and bibliographic information.
PubMed This link opens in a new window
A heavily used and recognized resource with a multitude of citations from biomedical literature. LinkOut allows users to access the articles from other sources.
UpToDate This link opens in a new window
A popular database authored and used by physicians, with trusted evidence based information. Nearly 7,000 physicians, editors, and reviewers weed through current medical information to find the most relevant information designed to improve patient care.