Information was collected from the TTUHSC El Paso Safety Manual (pg. 58- 114). TTUHSC EL PASO DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES REVISED JULY 2017.
Miles Building Phone #:
915 215-5594
The Miles warehouse is where the library department stores all of its journals, books, surplus of supplies, and more. This area is a common area for all library staff to work in. We all must ensure that this place is properly maintained and make safety our number one priority while working here. There are many different circumstances that can occur when working at the Miles building. Please read and adhere to this policy every time you are working here.
Library Facillity
Cleaning the 3D printer machine
The machine cannot be left running without staff supervision. After the staff leaves you have to turn off the machine unplug it.
To avoid any burning incidents on your hands or body.
Christmas decorations:
Decorations cannot obstruct exits or corridors. Candles and live Christmas trees are prohibited, as they present a fire hazard.
The following emergency procedures apply to TTUHSC EL PASO FACILITIES. Those working in a satellite office or non-TTUHSC EL PASO owned facility should contact their supervisor for additional information on specify procedures.
In the Event of a fire emergency, all occupants within the affected area are required to evacuate the building by following R-A-C-E procedures.
R escue anyone from immediate area of danger.
A ctivate the nearest firm alarm.
C ontain the fire by closing, but not locking, doors as you leave the fire area.
E vacuate to pre-assigned re-assembly area outside the building and report to your immediate supervisor for a head count.
Library front desk safety and security:
Five easy steps:
Be aware of what happens around the library. If you see someone suspicions (patron exhibits behavior that is inappropriate or makes you uncomfortable):
If a person asks for specific information about one of the library staff member by phone or in person, do not provide any information about the staff. (Personal phone numbers, work schedules or work activities). Provide them only the office telephone numbers or the library front desk telephone number.
The circulation area is private. Do not let the patrons be in the area. They must be in front of the counter.
Library Offices
Close the office if the staff is not around the area.
Do not let patrons enter the office unless he/she has been authorized by the staff.