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Safety in the Work Area.: Home

Review the TTUHSC Safety Guide

Information was collected from the TTUHSC El Paso Safety Manual (pg. 58- 114).   TTUHSC EL PASO DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES REVISED JULY 2017.

Miles Warehouse Safety Policy

Miles Building Phone #:
 915 215-5594

The Miles warehouse is where the library department stores all of its journals, books, surplus of supplies, and more. This area is a common area for all library staff to work in.  We all must ensure that this place is properly maintained and make safety our number one priority while working here. There are many different circumstances that can occur when working at the Miles building. Please read and adhere to this policy every time you are working here.  


Report Incidents and Injuries at the Work Area

Report all incidents and injuries immediately to your supervisor and Unite Safety Officer.
Safety Services has implemented a new form to report incidents. Staff has access to the TTUHSC Occurrence Report icon.
It  is installed on the work computer desktop
In case you do not have the TTUHSC occurrence report icon, 
contact your Unit safety officer (USO) and they will contact IT to have it added to your desktop.

Safety Procedures at the Library

Library Facillity

  • Keep corridors and aisles clean and clear: Materials are set up to prevent slips or falls.
  • Keep all work areas neat: Cluttered work areas impede productivity and increase hazards.
  • Avoid standing near closed doors: Open doors slowly when entering a room.
  • Arrangement of furniture: Benches and equipment are set up to prevent blocking doorways with access to safety equipment. Some additional precautions include an arrangement that prevents tripping hazards due to exposed cords and other exposed lines.
  • Do not stack lateral filing cabinets
  • Keep all drawers closed when not in use
  • Avoid walking through construction or removed areas
  • Avoid placing heavy items, equipment, or other hazardous materials on mounted shelves
  • Repair or replace defective chairs or desks: Check the back of chairs and ensure that they are secure before sitting down.
  • Do not leave the office unattended without closing and locking the doors


  • Keep cords from becoming a tripping hazard: Properly arrange furniture or equipment, having Facilities Operations & Maintenance install additional outlet, or use approved bridges
  • Avoid overloading electrical circuits: Do not use power strip plugs. The TTUHSC EL PASO Fire Marshals have approved the use of 15 amp fused power strips for some limited application.
  • Electrical equipment (coffee maker, microwave, refrigerator and lamps)
    • Coffee makers, refrigerators, microwaves, and office lamps will be allowed in the library offices as long as the staff makes sure that the lamps are turned off when not in use. Lamps will be checked to make certain they are turned off before closing the library. Coffee makers should also be unplugged when not in use. The refrigerator and microwave can be left connected. Microwaves in use should not be left unattended. Someone must be there when the microwave is running.

Cleaning the 3D printer machine

  • First make sure the printer is not cool before cleaning
  • Turn off the machine and unplug it.
  • Use only the assigned products such as towels, alcohol, goo gone spray bottle, and special brushes to scrape the plate.

The machine cannot be left running without staff supervision. After the staff leaves you have to turn off the machine unplug it.

  • Take your time to look what is happen with the machine when it is running.

To avoid any burning incidents on your hands or body.

  • Prepare the machine with the filament, then adjust the temperature of the nozzle and plate.

Christmas Decorations

Christmas decorations:

Decorations cannot obstruct exits or corridors. Candles and live Christmas trees are prohibited, as they present a fire hazard.

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lights and/or electrical decorations must be plugged directly into a wall outlet or approved power strip.
  • Unplug electrical decorations when no one is around. Electrical decorations should never be left on overnight at the office.
  • OPEN FLAMES: candles or related items (ex. incense) are not allowed.
  • Check lights and extension cords for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, and loose connections. Discard any damaged items.
  • Always use a secure step stool or ladder to reach high places when decorating.
    • Extension cords should be placed to avoid tripping hazards. Do not run cords under rugs.If you use an artificial tree, choose one labeled “fire resistant”.

Emergency Procedures

The following emergency procedures apply to TTUHSC EL PASO FACILITIES. Those working in a satellite office or non-TTUHSC EL PASO owned facility should contact their supervisor for additional information on specify procedures.

  • Report the incident at your supervisor 
  • Call to TTUHSC Police department 
  • 911: In case of emergency
  • Do not use elevators in the event of an emergency
  • Emergency equipment: Be familiar with the location of emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations, and first aid kits.
  • Do not obstruct emergency equipment or exit points


In the Event of a fire emergency, all occupants within the affected area are required to evacuate the building by following R-A-C-E procedures.

R escue anyone from immediate area of danger.

A ctivate the nearest firm alarm.

C ontain the fire by closing, but not locking, doors as you leave the fire area.

E vacuate to pre-assigned re-assembly area outside the building and report to your immediate   supervisor for a head count.

  • In the event of fire alarm, building occupants should:
  • Move horizontally away the fire to another wing on the same floor.
  • Follow exit signs to the nearest stairway
  • Use designated stairs and proceed to the ground level
  • Exit the stairway
  • Follow exit signs until you have exited the building
  • Report immediately to a supervisor at pre-determined assembly areas outside the building

  • Emergency evacuation routes and re-assembly areas: Following evacuation, department groups should reassemble in a specified area outside the facility. These emergency evacuation routes and re-assembly areas are established by unit safety officers and /or department heads.
    • Reassemble safety areas for Libraries: Evacuate to and remain in an area of refuge
    • MEB: across the street in the nursing school building
    • MSB II: parking lot canopy near to MSB II
    • Emergency evacuation should be organized, prompt, and practiced.
  • It is critical that these procedures be accomplished in an efficient and orderly manner. Following evacuation, departmental groups should reassemble in a specified area outside the facility.
  • Each department should identify at least one or two persons who are responsible for the evacuation procedure and for the evacuation of persons who are or may become disabled.
    • The Library has three USOs (unit safety officers)
      • MEB: Andrew Contreras
      • MSB II: Eryn Vasquez
  • Elevators shall only be used in areas approved by the Fire Marshal’s
  • Emergency Evacuation of persons with Disabilities: prior planning and practice of emergency evacuation of disabled persons is essential in assuring a safe evacuation.

Library Front Desk and Security

Library front desk safety and security:

Five easy steps:

  • Screen patron in advance
  • Keep a detailed description of patron
  • Recognize type of TTUHSC Patrons (students, Faculty, Residents and staff).
  • Have a strategy in place to turn away unauthorized patrons.

Be aware of what happens around the library. If you see someone suspicions (patron exhibits behavior that is inappropriate or makes you uncomfortable):

  • Do not discuss with the patron  
  • Notify the Supervisor in charge
  • Notify your campus Police Department immediately and request assistance

If a person asks for specific information about one of the library staff member by phone or in person, do not provide any information about the staff. (Personal phone numbers, work schedules or work activities). Provide them only the office telephone numbers or the library front desk telephone number.

The circulation area is private. Do not let the patrons be in the area. They must be in front of the counter.

  • Do not leave any sharp objects in public view such as scissors, pencils or pens. These objects can be used as weapons.

 Library Offices

Close the office if the staff is not around the area.

Do not let patrons enter the office unless he/she has been authorized by the staff.