Rehabilitation Reference Center (RRC)
RRC Tabs
The default TAB for Rehabilitation Reference Center is Basic Search TAB. Below are additional TABS:
- Diseases & Conditions - Include Clinical Reviews. Clinically-oriented reviews on rehabilitation topics incorporating the best available evidence through rigorous systematic surveillance.
- Drug Information - Includes names of specific drugs from AHFS Drug Information Essentials.
- Over 11, 700 represented medicines plus manufacturers of drug products.
- Separate drug monographs for systematic topical and EENT drug formulations
- Drug interactions, cautions, and toxicity
- Extensive dosage and methods of administration
- Patient Education - Include specific patient handouts by condition name.
- Over 1,500 evidence-based patient handouts, plus Spanish language versions for most all handouts
- Easy to read content and user friendly formatting
- Thousands of detailed medical illustrations
- Custom print to allow users to add personalized care notes
- And much more!
- Exercise Images - Include images of exercises in handout form by exercise type.
- Over 11,000 exercise images which demonstrate and explain each exercise
- Excellent for assisting patients with home exercise routines and as follow-through from their visit
- Custom print to allow users to add personalized care notes and order and sort exercises based on treatment plan
- Practice Resources - Include clinical guidelines, eBooks, and research instruments.
What is Rehabilitation Reference Center
RRC Information
Rehabilitation Reference Center (RRC) incorporates the best available evidence to create a clinical reference tool designed for all health care professionals needing rehabilitation point of care information.
Full Text
Most of the articles include a PDF link for FULL TEXT articles. If not, you can request articles through TTUHSC Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad).
Peer Reviewed
Use the Advanced Search Tab to limit peer reviewed information. Other limitors include:
- Document Types
- Published Date
- Author
- EBM Reviews
- Human
- Sex
- Age Related
- Clinical Queries
- Plus more
Featured Books
RRC eBooks
Under the Practice Resources tab, you can look for the following books:
- Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention, 6th Edition
- Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 23nd Edition
- Therapeutic Exercise: Foundation and Techniques, 6th Edition
- Orthopedic & Athletic Injury Examination Handbook, 3rd Editon
What is GoldRush
GoldRush is the TTUHSC El Paso library of catalog of online journal subscriptions. GoldRush knows about publishers, journal titles, years, months, volumes, issues and page numbers. Gold Rush does not know about article titles, keywords, concepts or topics.
GoldRush This link opens in a new window
One place to find all of the TTUHSC online journal subscriptions. Note: please search by journal title, not the article title.