Searching by subject helps you find the most relevant resources on your topic.
To begin a subject search:
- From Health Source homepage, select SUBJECTS in the blue bar across the top of the screen.
- Type in search box the subject: type 2 diabetes
- Click Browse.
- The subject thesaurus will tell you to use the term "NON-insulin-dependent diabetes" to search for items referring to Type 2 diabetes. By using the subject "NON-insulin-dependent diabetes" you ensure the search will cover any variation of the term, such as adult onset diabetes, etc.
Clicking on the term NON-insulin-dependent diabetes will bring you to a screen that describes what the term means, a list of broader and narrower terms, and a list of words that fall under that subject.
- Check the box in front of the term NON-insulin-dependent diabetes and click ADD. This will add the term to the search box as a subject term.