Walk-In Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery Services
The Library does not accept walk-in, email, faxed, or printed interlibrary loan or document delivery requests. All requests for articles, books, audiovisuals, etc. need to be requested via ILLiad.
Computers are available at each library location for patrons to log in to their ILLiad account, and library staff are happy to assist patrons in creating an account.
Online Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery Services
Service is available to all TTUHSC El Paso library card holders requiring books, photocopies of journal articles, or audiovisuals not available at the library.
Interlibrary Loan and Required Textbooks
If you need a textbook for a class, we do not recommend that you request this book through Interlibrary Loan. ILL staff cannot guarantee when books will arrive, and the loan period may not last for the entire semester. Furthermore, many libraries do not purchase textbooks (or are unwilling to lend textbooks to other libraries); as a result, most ILL requests for textbooks must be canceled.