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Pathology: Home

This guide is for pathology-related research resources



Welcome!  This guide will help you with pathology-related research and includes information on and links to library resources. If you need additional assistance, please contact any librarian.
We look forward to hearing from you.

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Ask a Librarian

Library contact phone numbers: 

MEB Library (915) 215-4306
MSB II Library (915) 215-4681

Email your question to:

Librarian hours: M-F 8:00 am-5:00 pm

About TTUHSC Library of the Health Sciences

InterLibrary Loan ILLIAD General Information

Remote Access

On-Campus Proxy Access

  • If you access a library resource from a campus building, from a campus clinic, or from HSC-Air, you do not need to us the library's proxy server.
  • If you connect to the Internet through HSC-Guest you will have to authenticate through the library's proxy server.

Off-Campus Proxy Access

  • If you are off-campus and you access a licensed resource through a link found on the library homepage or through Raider Search. You should automatically be prompted to authenticate to gain access to the resource. Use your eRaider sign-on to log in BEFORE you attempt to access the resource.
  • If you access a licensed resource through a link found in Google, Google Scholar, email links, Twitter, etc. you will first need to manually login to the library's proxy server BEFORE you attempt to access the resource.
  • Without the right set up that allows you to authenticate with your eRaider login, you will be locked out of these resources.

Here is the link for the

The proxy server's authentication screen looks like this:


TTUHSC Mobile Resources

New Online Catalog

You can use the Raider Search box to look for a variety of resources available at the TTUHSC El Paso libraries. You can login by clicking on the "Sign in" link located on the upper right-hand side of the search results page. and entering your eRaider user name and password.  That will allow you to access digital materials, request items held by the TTUHSC El Paso Libraries, and much more.

Managing Director- Librarian

Profile Photo
Lisa Beinhoff, Ph.D., MLS, AHIP
MEB Library