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Suggested Databases
AccessNeurology This link opens in a new window
A neurology resource covering the basics to specialities, with regularly updated reference, research, and instructional content. Easily accessible on any device.
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) This link opens in a new window
An efficient search engine of DNA and protein sequences pulling from all available sequence databases.
BoardVitals This link opens in a new window
A powerful and effective board review tool.
ClinicalKey This link opens in a new window
A search engine for physicians, targeting the three key research requirements, with comprehensive and trustworthy content. This link opens in a new window
A registry of privately and federally supported clinical trials with information and contacts. Any information from this registry should be used in addition to advice from health care professionals.
DITKI- Medical & Biological Sciences This link opens in a new window
An engaging hands on teaching method with over 140 narrated tutorials, exams, and various diagrams to help the user learn neuroanatomy in a clinical context.
DynaMed This link opens in a new window
A point of care reference tool designed by and for physicians and other health care professionals. Contains nearly 2,000 clinically organized topics.
EMBASE This link opens in a new window
Includes over 19 million records from over 7,000 journals, dating back to 1947, and growing each year. Within these records are the most up to date citations and abstracts from drug and biomedical literature via Medline and
EXAM MASTER Online USMLE and Medical Specialty Board Exams This link opens in a new window
Provides the user access to both a quality and quantity of data in a format best suited for true comprehension, not just memorization.
GenBank This link opens in a new window
Contains all publicly available DNA sequences with annotations.
Genetics Home Reference This link opens in a new window
A compilation of genes and associated genetic conditions, presented for the consumer.
Genetic Toxicology Data Bank (GENE-TOX) This link opens in a new window
A genetic toxicology test database from expert peer review of open scientific literature on over 3,000 chemicals. Created by the US Environmental Protection Agency and made available by the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET).
Gideon Online This link opens in a new window
The Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Online Network (GIDEON) is a user friendly and comprehensive data tool to navigate a vast database of infectious diseases.
Google Scholar This link opens in a new window
A simple user friendly database to find relevant scholarly works of all types and from all disciplines.
GTR - Genetic Testing Registry This link opens in a new window
The Genetic Testing Repository records include tests, genes, labs, conditions, and phenotypes.
Haz-Map: Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases This link opens in a new window
The National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program provides health and safety professionals and consumers with information about the health effects of exposure to chemical and biologics. This resource also explains the links between certain professions and the hazards, diseases, and symptoms that may arise.
HuGE Navigator This link opens in a new window
A continuously updated knowledge database in human genome epidemiology, including gene disease associations, evaluation of genetic tests, gene variants, and more.
Merative Micromedex This link opens in a new window
This actionable information spans drugs, diseases, acute care, toxicology, alternative medicines, as well as a comprehensive tool to educate patients. Having all of this in a clutter-free, easy-to-navigate interface saves clinicians time and promotes best practices.
Ovid This link opens in a new window
The home page for all of the Ovid databases, which includes full text books and journals, evidence base medicine resources, and bibliographic information.
PubMed This link opens in a new window
A heavily used and recognized resource with a multitude of citations from biomedical literature. LinkOut allows users to access the articles from other sources.
RAND State Statistics This link opens in a new window
Explore nearly 400 social science databases and nearly 200 databases about the 50 states. Within these databases are 90 mentioning Texas, and 60 specifically about the Lone Star state.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) This link opens in a new window
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is seeking to reduce the effect of mental illness and substance abuse throughout the nation's communities.
SCOPUS This link opens in a new window
Considered the largest source of research abstracts and citations, with quick and easy to find information.
TRIP Pro This link opens in a new window
Users can search through high quality clinical evidence from a wide variety of sources.
UpToDate This link opens in a new window
A popular database authored and used by physicians, with trusted evidence based information. Nearly 7,000 physicians, editors, and reviewers weed through current medical information to find the most relevant information designed to improve patient care.
Web of Science This link opens in a new window
Find, study, and share research from the fields of science, social sciences, arts, and humanities.