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Multimedia Resources: AudioDigest

AudioDigest Platinum

Audio Digest Platinum is a medical education platform that allows users to listen to current audio digest files from any device and save and customize their listening library. Each lecture is accompanied by a detailed written summary with educational objective, faculty disclosures, acknowledgments, suggested reading and pre-and post-tests. You will also be able to earn credits for each lecture that is completed successfully. This guide will provide you with the steps to register for a free Audio Digest Platinum account.

   Users must register while on campus; then they can access on any device.

How to Access AudioDigest Platinum Homepage

How to Create an AudioDigest Platinum Account

For a free account, you must register through  the institution while on campus

From the Library Homepage, click on A-Z Databases 


Contact the Libraries

Doris F. Eisenberg Library of the Health Sciences

Medical Education Building (MEB)

Room 2100, MSC 28001

5001 El Paso Dr.

El Paso, TX 79905

Phone: 915-215-4306

Medical Science Building II (MSBII)

Room 1C114, MSC 28001

137 Rick Francis St.

El Paso, TX 79905

Phone: 915-215-4681