Request Status |
What does it mean? |
Term |
What is it? |
Awaiting PMID Lookup |
ILL staff are matching the provided PMID number to a citation. |
PubMed Identifier - a unique number assigned to articles indexed in PubMed. Using this will ensure the fastest processing of your request. |
Awaiting Copyright Clearance |
ILL staff are verifying copyright permission on your request. |
International Standard Book Number - a unique number assigned to each separate edition and variation (print / electronic) of a publication. It is possible for a single title to have multiple ISBNs. (e.g. - One title with 3 volumes can have 1 ISBN for the set and 3 ISBNs for each volume) |
Awaiting Request Processing |
Your request is in the queue and ILL staff will work on your request soon. |
International Standard Serial Number - a unique number used to identify a serial publication like a journal or magazine. Helpful in distinguishing between publications with the same name. Some titles will have separate ISSNs for their print and electronic versions. |
Request Sent |
Your request has been sent to a library that can provide a copy. |
In DD Stacks Searching |
The library has access to this title and ILL staff are working on getting a copy to you. |