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Texas Tech Health El Paso Libraries: Reference Services

About Reference Services

Library Orientations

TTUHSC El Paso librarians can provide group orientations to teach faculty and students how to access online resources. Basic library orientations introduce the audience to the library catalog, literature databases, and online journals. To schedule an orientation, please contact Corina Bustillos at .

Personalized Instruction

The TTUHSC El Paso Reference staff can assist in the identification of appropriate library resources and provide personalized literature database instruction to TTUHSC El Paso faculty, staff, and students. Individuals are welcome to stop by either library to meet with a reference librarian or schedule an appointment.

Tailored Instruction

TTUHSC El Paso faculty members are welcome to schedule a library instruction session for a specific class. The session will be tailored to the needs of the class, ranging from basic library skills to specific literature database searching. Individuals are welcome to stop by either library to meet with a reference librarians or schedule an appointment.

Library Electives

The TTUHSC El Paso libraries offer several library elective to students. Students are encouraged to speak to their advisors for further information. 

Literature Search Service

Our literature librarians are available to conduct literature searches using biomedical and other allied health databases in any medical or healthcare subject. Literature searches is a fee based service and is available to TTUHSC El Paso faculty, staff, students, and other patrons. This does not include full text articles. Please complete this Online Literature Search Request Form.

Library Instruction

Our Librarians are available to instruct classes on library use and resources. To schedule an orientation, please complete this Instruction Request Form.

Literature Search Fees

TTUHSC El Paso Affiliated Personnel  $25 base fee per search*
Hospital Contract $50 base fee per search*
Friends of the Library $50 base fee per search*

* State taxes may apply.

Contact any Librarian

Reference questions emailed to are instantly submitted to multiple librarians. The first available librarian will fill your request.

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Corina Bustillos, MSLS, MSLT, AHIP
MEB Library